Painting Reveal Haley Dessauer Painting Reveal Haley Dessauer

Art Reveal with a Twist: Part 2

Her name was Beatrice.

She looked to be about ten years old.

Never have I ever personally met another person named Beatrice…The name seems solely reserved for characters from 19th century classic novels I read! But here was a Beatrice standing in front of me.

Again, I experienced complete clarity that this was, without a doubt, the name of the saint the Holy Spirit wished for me to sketch. (I stress this word clarity, because “indecisive” should have been my middle name from birth….)

Here I was, concerned that I would miss the Holy Spirit’s promptings due to the season of life I was in.

And here was God, yet again, meeting me exactly where I was…

At a grocery store parking lot.

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Art Reveals, Catholic Saints Haley Dessauer Art Reveals, Catholic Saints Haley Dessauer

Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity: Part 2- Cloister of the Heart

Her time of waiting to enter Carmel was not wasted. Saint Elizabeth realized that just as we must seek to tend to sacred spaces like churches and chapels, we must also tend to the sacred spaces within our hearts.

We must not forget that the Holy Spirit dwells within us. Let us make a safe place for Our Lord to dwell. Remember that no matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, no matter how ugly the situation you are in, you have a cloistered place of prayer within your own heart.

Your Beloved waits for you….you need not go far.

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Art Reveals, Catholic Saints Haley Dessauer Art Reveals, Catholic Saints Haley Dessauer

Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity: Part 1-The Immolation of Talents

Your sacrifice can be a song, though no one may hear it.

Your sacrifice can be a work of art, though no one may see it.

Your sacrifice can be a means of salvation, though no one may understand it.

No...your talents are not collecting dust.

They are not being hidden under a bushel basket.

You have given them back to the Lord to be polished like fine pearls. And now they reflect a Light much brighter than before.

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