This Little Fiat

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Art Reveal with a Twist: Part 2

I like to think of how Matthew was performing his duties as a tax collector when Jesus met him exactly where he was at.

Or how Simon Peter, James, and John where fishing, when Jesus met them.

Paul was literally just walking along when Jesus met him in true “lightning bolt” fashion.

What’s more? When I looked at the mother of these four children, holding her toddler, I just couldn’t help but see Our Blessed Mother with the Child Jesus. Another powerful reminder of Our Blessed Mother’s intercession. Here I was struggling to meet any of the three Person's of the Holy Trinity in prayer. And here was Mary, seeing my need, and bringing her Son directly to me. Remember…Mary always directs our gaze to Jesus.

So, if you are like me…seeking an answer to a question, but not entirely trusting yourself to listen. Keep asking. Keep seeking. Perform the duties God has set before you. And trust that He will meet you exactly where you are if you but keep seeking.

Take note: from here until shortly before her death, Beatrice chose to completely veil her face….this is important and you’ll see why.

Beatrice had to wait nearly 30 years before responding to this call to form the Order of the Immaculate Conception. Imagine Our Lady asking you to do something…and you… waiting with absolutely zero timeline!

What’s more? Once Beatrice was finally able to start this Order, she had to wait yet again to receive the official papal approval from Rome.

Unfortunately…the ship which was said to have been carrying this official document was lost at sea, and with it the formal approval. But, of course, God always finds a way. And the document ended up at her monastery through the hands of an angelic stranger.

Beatrice lived less than one month after receiving the papal approval. On her death bad, the veil which covered her face was finally lifted so Beatrice could receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Onlookers were astonished to see a bright star shining upon her forehead.

So what about the symbols/clues in last week’s story?

  1. Crozier: Here’s a clue in case I ever do another “guess who” art reveal. Most of the time when female saints are holding a crozier, it means that they were also founders of religious orders.

  2. Lilies: Remember, Mary requested that the new order would be named after her Immaculate Conception. Next to roses, white lilies are often symbolic of Mary and her purity. Church dogma surrounding the Immaculate Conception states that Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin.

  3. The scroll: Saint Beatrice is often held holding that bull of approval which miraculously appeared on the doorstep of her monastery!

  4. Star on her forehead: This clue seemed to trip a lot of people up in last week’s story! More often than not, Our Lady is shown with a star on her forehead in iconography. And even Saint Dominic is sometimes shown with a star. Most people interpret this as a saint who received exemplary graces, which in turn, allowed them to be a light to others.

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I do try to keep my emails faith-based rather than sales-based, and pray they only speak of Christ’s Mercy and Love.

**Disclaimer: I try very hard to make sure the content of my emails align with Church teaching…but I am still human and fallible (and may need occasional help from my brothers and sisters in Christ!) If you read something in one of my emails that does not align with Church teaching, please let me know! Likewise, when in doubt, seek out more information and contact your parish priest.